Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Although it has been pointed out to me that our American Thanksgiving might not have the most altruistic beginnings, I believe most of us do celebrate this holiday with open and grateful hearts. With bounty available to most and family love even though far apart, I know I am most grateful for the blessings I have. My thoughts are also with my nephew in Iraq and with Iraqi friends. Peace. Not just a dream, but a mission for us all.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Broad Street Farmers' Market

The only vegetarian vendor, Nude Food is going out of business tomorrow. Sad.

The Broad Street Market in Harrisburg has some very beautiful benches outside. Beautiful art work of corn! Found this quote there:

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances of survival of life on earth as much as evolution to a vegetarian diet.
-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Seed Saving

I put some of the mystery plant and pumpkin seeds into envelopes. I don't want to do too many as that will only waste paper and ink. If you want any of the Cinderella or Rouge Vif D'Etampes pumpkin seed, let me know.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Canning Applesauce Again

Remember that big bag of apples I got at Hollabaugh's farm? I finally made most of it into applesauce today. What beautiful and delicious apples they are!

I used my new bargain find of an apple peeler and corer, which worked really well. Just could not get the hang of peeling apples like my Grandma Rice. She could peel an apple fast, with the skin very thin and all in one piece...even better than my new gadget. Fortunately, this peeler/corer works well for me.

Pictured is one of the small canning jars I used from Grandma Rice. I had to find the rubber rings that help to seal the glass bale wire canning jars. I believe it worked well, but cannot press on the lid to check if it seals. Anyone know how to do that? NOTE: My sister told me to just give a firm tug on the ring and if there is no give, then it is sealed. Or she said to turn it over to check for leaks. Thanks, Deb!