My dear friend Laura and I went to a Master Gardener's class about composting. I am sure neither one of us ever thought the words, "Compost Class" would have been uttered from our mouths, much less part of our schedule, but life throws you wonderfully interesting curves. It WAS interesting, with the presentation given by my friend, Duane. I learned quite a bit, including the fact that there are thousands of microorganisms and bacteria in our compost ingredients without us even adding a single thing. We all came away with a free Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Agency compost bin. Nice. I assembled it and immediately plopped in my morning coffee grounds. I placed the bin on the edge of my perennial garden, very close to the hose. Evidently, these little creatures who help decompose the yard and kitchen waste, need water and some shade. I believe that is why our other compost bin was unsuccessful...we cooked the poor critters in direct sun!
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